Gambaran Bakteri pada Luka Infeksi Pasca Operasi Carcinoma Mammae di RSUD Kraton
Bacteria, Wound Infection, Post-OperationAbstract
Breast cancer (Carcinoma mammae) is a condition when the cells in the breast tissue lose their normal control and mechanisms, resulting in abnormal, rapid and uncontrolled growth. In some cases of breast cancer, surgery is recommended by an oncologist. Patients undergoing surgical procedures can experience infections even though the operation is carried out in accordance with the procedure and infection prevention measures have been taken. Surgical wound infections are generally caused by bacteria. This study aims to determine the description of bacteria found in samples of post-operative wound infection patients with mammary carcinoma at Kraton Regional Hospital. The bacteria identified in the samples studied were Staphylococcus epidermidis in sample A, Staphylococcus aureus in sample B and Proteus mirabilis in sample C. It can be concluded that the bacteria found in post-operative wound infections at Kraton Hospital, Pekalongan Regency were Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus aureus and Proteus mirabilis.
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