Hubungan Pengetahuan Ibu Terhadap Tumbuh Kembang Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus Di SDLB Wiradesa
mother’s knowledge, growth and development, children with special needsAbstract
The Correlation between Mother’s Knowledge and the Growth and Development of Children with Special Needs at SDLB Wiradesa. .Introductions: growth is the process of increasing body size, body shape, and the tissue structure within it, while development is the process of building the body by increasing function and progress in the significant. Objectives: this study aims to examine the correlations between mother's knowledge and the growt hand development of children with special needs at SDLB Wiradesa. Methods: it is quantitative with cross sectional as an approach meanwhile the Slovin formula was applied as the sampling technique. Thirty-three respondents were taken as the sample. Results: the result of person correlation test states p value is <0,001which means there is correlations between mother's knowledge and the growth and development of children with special needs at SDLB Wiradesa. Conclusions: it could beconcluded based on the question nairevalueof 76%-100%,the level of mother’s knowledge was 6 (18.2%)so that there is a significant correlation between both variables. Furthermore, it was also supported by the result of person test, which states p value was <0,000. Suggestions: mothers who has low level of knowledge were recommended to improve their knowledge especially in the term of children with special needs.
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