Sosialisasi Golongan Darah dan Anemia di Posyandu Sakura Dusun 4 Desa Pecangakan Kecamatan Comal Kabupaten Pemalang
Blood type, anemia, Posyandu SakuraAbstract
Pecangakan Village is one of the villages that are included in the village that became a priority for development in Pemalang Regency because it falls into the category of villages that have high stunting rates in Comal District, Pemalang Regency. The condition in the village still requires contributions from other parties both from the government sector, private sector and colleges to improve the degree of health of its residents. The ABO blood type test is done to determine the type of blood type in humans. ABO blood type determination is generally by using the slide method. The slide method is one of the simple, quick and easy methods for blood group examination. Anemia or anemia is a condition when the body lacks healthy red blood cells or when red blood cells do not function properly. As a result, the organs of the body do not get enough oxygen making anemia sufferers pale and easily fatigued.
The purpose of this community service activity is to provide education to residents in Posyandu Sakura Hamlet 4 Pecangakan Village, Comal District, Pemalang Regency about the recognition of blood type and anemia and know the results of blood type examination.
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