Edukasi tentang Peningkatan Kualitas Hidup Orang Lanjut Usia (Lansia) Melalui Upaya Menjaga Kekebalan Tubuh di Posyandu Beringin V Kelurahan Kedungwuni Barat Kecamatan Kedungwuni
Education, Improving Quality of Life, ElderlyAbstract
Maintaining body immunity is one way to prevent viral and bacterial infections, the human body is created with all its advantages, but the living environment is often infested with viruses, parasites and bacteria. Especially in children are susceptible to exposure to viruses, parasites and bacteria. Although the body has a defense mechanism to ward off or prevent bacteria and viruses from entering the body which is called the body's immune system. The immune system is a system that forms the body's ability to fight germs by rejecting various foreign objects that enter the body to avoid disease. The older a person gets, the more susceptible they will be to a disease because of a decline in their body system. The increase in the number of elderly people needs attention because the elderly are at high risk of experiencing various health problems, especially degenerative diseases. There are many ways that can be done to improve the immune system, including food intake and exercise. The purpose of this community service activity is to provide education about Improving the Quality of Life of the Elderly (Lansia) Through Efforts to Maintain Body Immunity at the Beringin V Posyandu, West Kedungwuni Village, Kedungwuni District. The method used in the PkM activity is the socialization method. Keywords: Education, Improving Quality of Life, Elderly
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